day 203 : finally!!

day 203: I’ve been working on this model for over 2 months. No… not two months in a row… but I built the first piece of this model on my first day in the office and then it went on hold. I’m so glad that it’s finally finished! On a side note, this weekend is our 1st wedding anniversary (yay!) and we’re going on a much needed weekend getaway trip. We’re not bringing along any means of blogging or emailing but don’t worry… I’ll have my camera and the photos will go up when we get back on Monday.

day 203 : finally!!

day 202 : surrender

day 202: Last night I tried in vain to make this be the first time that I had a model deadline that I didn’t need to stay late to finish it. Sadly I am WAY too much of a perfectionist when it comes to my models and I don’t have a speedy way of working. It’s slow and careful all along and at 12:30am I through in the towel. Yes… I gave up. The model won. I decided I’d work better on a couple of hours of sleep (insert flashbacks to architecture school charrette here) so I went home and came back early this morning to finish. Maybe next time I’ll win.

day 202 : surrender

day 200!!!

day 200! I can’t believe it’s already been 200 days of photo-rific goodness! To celebrate Ben and I headed out to the grocery store to try to come up with as many ways as possible to spell out the number 200. Zeros were quite easy to find but the 2 was always the hard part. Here are three of my favorites… feel free to leave me a comment and let me know which one you like best.

day 200!!!

day 199 : nap time

day 199 : Lately between all of the projects I have going on it seems like it’s been hard to find enough time to get a decent night’s sleep. I think it finally caught up with me this afternoon and I immediately fell asleep for a couple of hours as soon as I got home from work. I’m glad that I have a nice relaxing work-free weekend coming up to recharge!

day 199 : nap time

day 198 : when in doubt

day 198: Yesterday evening we met up with my mom, sister, and grandma at my aunt and uncle’s house in Orange County. We wanted to do something earlier in the day as well and it seems that every time we’re looking for something to do around there we end up at Disneyland. We only had a couple of hours to spend so we only made it onto two rides, but it’s all about the company anyways 🙂

day 198 : when in doubt

day 197 : my computer is a robot

day 197: I sadly spent the majority of my Saturday at my computer desk. With work being so crazy busy during the week… the weekend is my only chance to catch up on my photo editing. This weekend I finished editing one of my recent weddings (yay!) and now will let my trusty computer chug away at FTPing all the images to my proofing website overnight. Yay for tasks that the computer can do on its own 🙂

day 197 : my computer is a robot

day 196 : downpour

day 196: It’s been months since our part of town got any rain but this evening we got a good old fashioned downpour, complete with lightning and thunder. It is so refreshing to smell the rain… if I could bottle the smell and broadcast it through my blog I would, but for now this photo will have to do. I hope the rain sticks around tomorrow.

day 196 : downpour

day 195 : trip to the beach

day 195: What’s a better way to spend the evening after a long day of working than heading out to the beach? We of course had to bring along our new flip video camera and my canon as well. Being the mature adults that we are, we mostly chased each other around the beach with cameras. Here are a couple of test videos. They are much higher quality on my screen but for some reason they get pixelated when I embed them on youtube. I’m working on figuring out how to fix that 🙂

day 195 : trip to the beach

day 194 : catching up

day 194: I’ve been spending the week trying to get caught up on all of my photo editing and haven’t had much time to go out and shoot interesting things on my free time. I’m hoping to go out this weekend and take some fun photos. In the meantime… here’s another image from the “things in our house” genre. As a side note, I’ve had some people asking how my leg is doing (thanks) it’s much better in terms of how it feels, but it’s looking more gross every day. I didn’t want to make everyone look at another photo… but if you’re curious to see what I mean you can click here.

day 194 : catching up